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1 Year Anniversary of life in a Nutshell

October 4, 2011

Today embark my one year anniversary of blogging with “Life in a Nutshell”. Today would of never dawn onto me if I was not curious after reading Pure Complex birthday post. I have lately not written much on my blog. Although I still try to make time to read and comment on others. Just really busy doing a few things at the moment. However, for the celebration of my one year blog I would like to repost my first blog from last year with updates when possible at the end of the post.

Today I had one of the worst news in my life. I was feeling so down that I was not in the mood to go to class but I decided to go. Moping at home would of done me no good so just go to class and learn something. Went to class; it was so boring and not interested. I could of really miss today. What was being taught I knew and understood. Class was finally over. I walked back home listening to my songs which are fast dance pace slowly crying because of the bad news.
Never AloneI was feeling so bad that I did not wanted to be bother.

Today a friend offline me a message to let me know her cancer is back out of remission. She is feeling pain and need to call the doctor tomorrow. How she is afraid to call because she know already what they will tell her. She needed to talk because she could not sleep.

It was funny but not in a ha ha way we were both feeling shit out of luck and needed someone to talk to. I don’t feel better because my friend problem is worst than mines (my heart really goes out to her and many people who are suffering from any illness and cancer), but our conversation soften my pain reminding me that one is never alone when it comes to pain or sadness in the heart.

My friend is doing better and looks great and I no longer have sadness in my heart. Each day I take life one day at a time:)

11 Comments leave one →
  1. October 5, 2011 8:50 am

    I just wanted to stop by and tell you.. HAPPY 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!!!!! I submitted a comment earlier yesterday but don’t think it ever went through lol. So of course I get a chance to place a better comment lol. Your blog is such an amazing one.. you have pushed ahead and learned the German language, learned to look cute while cleaning lol, and still cook wonderful dishes. You are definitely a wonderful person and I’m so happy I’ve met you “online” 🙂

    • October 5, 2011 10:14 am

      Aw Kay, I am also happy to have met you online and share this wonderful day with you. From you I planned what movies to rent or make a movie night out of. I saw some cool architectures and art work that I have never seen in my life or know of it existence. Each time I go to your blog I am amaze, laughing, or saying what the….yeah. No wonder you got me hook. Wishing you many more birthdays/anniversaries to come!

  2. October 5, 2011 8:13 pm

    Late again, but congrats on your blogoversary! So sorry about your friend, but am happy that she is better a year later.

    Love the pic from the old post, too!

  3. October 14, 2011 3:06 am

    Congratulations on your first year girlfriend!!!! YIHAAAA!!! I also want to say how much I love your blog and the array of features you post, most entertaining and from OW, we love having you on boared sharing some of your fine work ;-)hehe
    Ps: also I wish your friend a well recovery, so sad to hear the news, must be hard to see a friend go thru this, again. Most importantly, I hope your doing better since you last wrote this post. XXX.

    • October 14, 2011 4:57 pm

      Thanks OW she is doing great. Not 100% herself yet but getting there. Me I am just taking each day one at a time. That’s all I can do at the moment.

      • October 27, 2011 12:07 am

        You sure your doing ok? anytime you like to share, give me a hoy, glad to listen. x

  4. October 27, 2011 9:00 am

    Your wonderful OW, but I am okay. I am pretty much making myself busy and focusing on other things. As long as I can keep my mind busy and continue going to Zumba class I will be okay. It is when I am still and have too much time on my hand is when things start bothering me in my head. But I will be okay. It is a healing phrase I need to slowly work my way through and life will be good again, but thank you. I appreciated you…willing to take time out to listen:)

    • October 30, 2011 4:57 am

      Way to go!!! they are all great strategies lovely, that will definately help you keep busy and your mind away from some difficult times, one step at a time. Glad to here your taking also zumba classes, exercise is great for releasing some pain of all sorts. Keep up the great efforts xox

  5. December 8, 2011 2:43 pm

    I’m over the moon late but I must admit your blog is awesome the reason why you reach this time. Again Happy Anniversary bogging.:)

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